Tutorial : News App
Adding Logic

Fetch news from API and populate the pages :

1. Create a fetchNews function in the scripts/function.js :

anything in this file is accessible across all your pages, So create a fetch function for both of your news pages.

async function fetchNews(url) {  
    try {
      const response = await fetch(url);
      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
      const data = await response.json();
      return data;
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('There was a problem with the fetch operation:', error);

2. Create Logic file for your Home.js in Logic/Home.js::

let articlesDiv  = document.getElementById("top-news-articles")
import  NewsArticle from "../components/NewsArticle/NewsArticle.js"
fetchNews("https://saurav.tech/NewsAPI/top-headlines/category/health/in.json").then(data => {
    let articles = data.articles    
    let newsComponent = ``
    for(const news of articles){
        let newsItem = NewsArticle(news.title,news.description,news.urlToImage,news.url)
        newsComponent = newsComponent + newsItem
    articlesDiv.innerHTML = newsComponent

3. Similarly Create a Logic file for Cnn page in Logic/Cnn.js ::

let articlesDiv  = document.getElementById("cnn-news-articles")
import  NewsArticle from "../components/NewsArticle/NewsArticle.js"
fetchNews("https://saurav.tech/NewsAPI/everything/cnn.json").then(data => {
    let articles = data.articles    
    let newsComponent = ``
    for(const news of articles){
        let newsItem = NewsArticle(news.title,news.description,news.urlToImage,news.url)
        newsComponent = newsComponent + newsItem
    articlesDiv.innerHTML = newsComponent


With this we have created simple news app using pre-reactJS. Learn more at Learn